Minor Studies

Aalto School of Business provides a wide selection of minor studies available for business students and other Aalto students.


Department of Information and Service Economy provides minor studies to both Bsc and Msc levels.
Read more below what we offer.


Quantitative Methods (BSc / MSc)

Nowadays large amounts of data are being automatically created through current IT technologies and database systems. As a result, the demand for specialists who are able to manage, analyse and model the rapidly growing supply of information has enormously increased over the last years and will continue to do so in the future. A minor in Quantitative Methods provides both theoretical and practical knowledge of mathematical and statistical tools that can be used to analyse data to support managerial decision making and economic policy. The aim is to effectively use modern managerial tools, such as quantitative models and information technology, in solving practical business problems. The main themes include statistical methods, simulation, optimization, management decision making, risk management, and econometric methods.


Business Technology (BSc)

Business Technology (BT) refers to the creative use of information and technology in decision making, in managing business processes and networks, and in developing new products and services. Minor studies in Business Technology offer an interdisciplinary education that allows the student to focus on economic analysis and quantitative modelling, management information systems, or logistics and service management. While BT gives an understanding of different business functions and their interdependence relevant to managers, it also provides methods and skills for economic analysis required in many other fields of undergraduate and graduate studies.


Information and Service Management (MSc)

Information and Service Management (ISM) refers to the creative use of information and technology in decision making, in managing business processes and networks, and in developing new products and services. While ISM gives an understanding of different business functions and their interdependence relevant to managers, it also provides methods and skills for economic analysis required in many other fields of undergraduate and graduate studies. Minor studies in Information and Service Management offer an interdisciplinary education that allows the student to focus on economic analysis and quantitative modeling, management information systems, or logistics and service management.

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